This article is a review of the physiological and technological processes underpinning high-flow nasal therapy with oxygen (HFNT or HFOT) for the treatment of hypoxemic respiratory failure. A mathematical model was carefully built to represent the relationships between the settings on the HFNT device and the resultant diffusion of oxygen into hypoxemic, arterial blood. The analysis was used to recommend a strategy for setting the flow rate at or above the patient's peak inspiratory flow when HFNT is used with a blender and equal to the patient's peak inspiratory rate when bleed-in oxygen is used. The analysis also teaches how to titrate the settings to achieve a desired fraction of inhaled oxygen, (FiO2), in the trachea using a simple ratio when bleed-in oxygen is used. The model was used to compare HFNT as a method to improve oxygen diffusion efficacy with other forms of oxygen therapy. The analysis in this article relates the efficacy of HFOT/HFNT to that of CPAP with supplemental oxygen by computing the diffusion ratio of oxygen therapy versus breathing room air. We predicted that in non-atelectatic lungs, when considering oxygenation, HFNT can be equally effective as CPAP with supplemental oxygen therapy for treating hypoxemic respiratory failure.
Keywords: CPAP; Fick’s diffusion; HFNT; HFOT; alveolar gas law; hypoxemic respiratory failure; oxygen therapy.