Recent advances in wearable technology through convenient and cuffless systems will enable continuous, noninvasive monitoring of blood pressure (BP), heart rate, and heart rhythm on both longitudinal 24-hour measurement scales and high-frequency beat-to-beat BP variability and synchronous heart rate variability and changes in underlying heart rhythm. Clinically, BP variability is classified into 4 main types on the basis of the duration of monitoring time: very-short-term (beat to beat), short-term (within 24 hours), medium-term (within days), and long-term (over months and years). BP variability is a strong risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney disease, cognitive decline, and mental illness. The diagnostic and therapeutic value of measuring and controlling BP variability may offer critical targets in addition to lowering mean BP in hypertensive populations.
Keywords: blood pressure; blood pressure variability; digital cardiovascular health; hypertension; noninvasive blood pressure monitoring; photoplethysmography; smart wearable devices.