Differentiated thyroid cancers (DTCs) are malignancies that demonstrate strong but largely uncharacterized heritability. Germline variants that influence the risk of DTCs localize in disrupted in renal carcinoma 3 (DIRC3), a poorly described long non-coding RNA gene. Here, we investigated the function of DIRC3 in DTCs. Using patient-matched thyroid tissue pairs and The Cancer Genome Atlas data, we established that DIRC3 is downregulated in DTCs, whereas high expression of DIRC3 in tumors may reduce the risk of cancer recurrence. DIRC3 transcripts were enriched in cell nuclei, where they upregulated insulin-like growth factor binding protein 5 (IGFBP5), a gene that modulates the cellular response to insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1). Silencing DIRC3 in thyroid cancer cell lines (MDA-T32 and MDA-T120) had a dichotomous phenotypic influence: augmented cell migration and invasiveness, reduced apoptosis, but abrogated the MTT reduction rate. Transcriptomic profiling and gene rescue experiments indicated the functional redundancy in the activities of DIRC3 and IGFBP5. Moreover, the reduced level of DIRC3 enhanced the susceptibility of thyroid cancer cells to IGF1 stimulation and promoted Akt signaling via downregulation of the IGFBP5 protein. In conclusion, DIRC3 expression alters the phenotype of thyroid cancer cells and regulates the activity of the IGFBP5/IGF1/Akt axis. Our findings suggest that an interplay between DIRC3 and IGF signaling may play a role in promoting thyroid carcinogenesis.
Keywords: DIRC3; IGF1; IGFBP5; invasiveness; thyroid cancer.