Purpose: The aim of this study should be to adopt the Turkish version of the vital signs monitoring on pediatric wards scale (Ped-V scale).
Design and method: This methodological study was carried out with 331 pediatric nurses aged 18-65 between September 2022 and November 2022. The data were collected using an online questionnaire including a Descriptive Information Form and the Ped-V scale. Before starting the implementation of the study, the language adaptation of the scale was made, then expert opinion was taken and a pilot application was made. Then the main sampling was applied and evaluated. Explanatory and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's alpha, and item-total score analysis were used for data analysis.
Results: It was determined that the scale consisted of 30 items and four sub-dimensions and that four sub-dimensions explained 42.91% of the total variance. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses indicated that all factor loads were >0.30. According to the confirmatory factor analysis, all of the fit indices were >0.80, and the RMSEA was <0.080. Cronbach's alpha was determined as 0.88 for the total scale and >0.60 for all sub-dimensions.
Conclusion: As a result of the analyses, it was determined that the Ped-V scale was a valid and reliable measurement tool for the Turkish sample.
Practice implications: Using the Ped-V scale, it can help to determine the attitudes of nurses working in pediatric clinics toward monitoring vital signs and to plan in-service training if there is a problem.
Keywords: Attitude; Child; Follow-up; Ped-V scale; Pediatric nursing; Reliability; Validity; Vital signs.
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