Bacterial Persister Cells (BPCs) are quiescent, slow-growing or growth-arrested phenotypic variants of normal bacterial cells that are transiently tolerant to antibiotics. It seems that persister cells are the main cause of the recurrence of various chronic infections. Stress response (RpoS-mediated), Toxin-Antitoxin (TA) systems, inhibition of ATP production, Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), efflux pumps, bacterial SOS response, cell-to-cell communication and stringent response (ppGpp- mediated) are the primary potential mechanisms for persistence cell formation. However, eradicating persistent cells is challenging as the specific molecular mechanisms that initiate their formation remain fuzzy and unknown. Here we reviewed and summarized the current understanding of how bacterial persister cells are formed, controlled, and destroyed.
Keywords: Persister cells; bacterial cells; chronic infections; eradication; formation; phenotypic; variants.
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