Our Cases and Literature Review for Presence of Bladder Hernias in the Inguinal Region in Children

Diagnostics (Basel). 2023 Apr 24;13(9):1533. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13091533.


Background: The rate of bladder injury during inguinal hernia repair in children is not well known. However, it is known that bladder injury during childhood inguinal hernia repair places a serious morbidity burden on children. We sought to determine an algorithm to avoid accidental bladder injuries.

Methods: Reports that included pediatric patients with inguinal hernias containing the bladder were searched. Keywords and mesh term searches were conducted in the MEDLINE, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. We reviewed our clinical records and found that two patients had inguinal hernias containing the bladder.

Results: Nineteen articles reporting on 26 patients diagnosed with the presence of the bladder within the inguinal canal from 1962 to 2021 were included in this article. Our two patients were added to this group. Diagnoses were made incidentally during genitourinary radiological examinations (n = 3), intraoperatively during hernia repair (n = 7), or due to clinical symptoms and findings (n = 18) after standard hernia repair. Bladder augmentation was required for three patients.

Conclusions: During the operation, if there is any suspicion regarding the presence of the bladder in the inguinal region, we suggest performing a preoperative cystogram to confirm the position of the bladder and its injury. We recommend that the sac should be opened and the contents inspected before performing transfixion during high ligation of the hernia sac.

Keywords: bladder hernia; children; inguinal hernia; literature review.

Publication types

  • Review

Grants and funding

This research received no external funding.