Molecular Catalysis of Energy Relevance in Metal-Organic Frameworks: From Higher Coordination Sphere to System Effects

Chem Rev. 2023 May 24;123(10):6545-6611. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrev.2c00587. Epub 2023 May 15.


The modularity and synthetic flexibility of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have provoked analogies with enzymes, and even the term MOFzymes has been coined. In this review, we focus on molecular catalysis of energy relevance in MOFs, more specifically water oxidation, oxygen and carbon dioxide reduction, as well as hydrogen evolution in context of the MOF-enzyme analogy. Similar to enzymes, catalyst encapsulation in MOFs leads to structural stabilization under turnover conditions, while catalyst motifs that are synthetically out of reach in a homogeneous solution phase may be attainable as secondary building units in MOFs. Exploring the unique synthetic possibilities in MOFs, specific groups in the second and third coordination sphere around the catalytic active site have been incorporated to facilitate catalysis. A key difference between enzymes and MOFs is the fact that active site concentrations in the latter are often considerably higher, leading to charge and mass transport limitations in MOFs that are more severe than those in enzymes. High catalyst concentrations also put a limit on the distance between catalysts, and thus the available space for higher coordination sphere engineering. As transport is important for MOF-borne catalysis, a system perspective is chosen to highlight concepts that address the issue. A detailed section on transport and light-driven reactivity sets the stage for a concise review of the currently available literature on utilizing principles from Nature and system design for the preparation of catalytic MOF-based materials.

Publication types

  • Review