How pandemic-related changes in global attitudes toward the scientific community shape "post-pandemic" environmental opinion

Public Underst Sci. 2023 Oct;32(7):907-925. doi: 10.1177/09636625231167735. Epub 2023 May 19.


Low public concern about anthropogenic climate change (ACC)-due in part to distrust in the scientific community-may decrease demand for policies aimed at mitigating its deleterious effects. Encouragingly, though, recent research finds that experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic has elevated trust in scientific expertise worldwide. We explore the possibility that positive attitudes toward the medical community are "spilling over" to increase ACC acceptance via globally representative survey data from 107 countries (N = 119,088) conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic. We show that trust in medical experts' handling of the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with increased ACC acceptance, worldwide. Problematically, though, we also show that the effects of trust in medical professionals is strongest in countries experiencing the most positive change in attitudes toward the scientific community, which tend to be disproportionately wealthy, and less likely to bear the unequal effects of climate change.

Keywords: COVID-19; climate change; climate opinion; political psychology; trust in science.

MeSH terms

  • Attitude
  • COVID-19* / epidemiology
  • Humans
  • Pandemics
  • Public Opinion*
  • Trust