Background: Despite optimal treatment, a residual inflammatory risk often remains in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. In a US-based phase 2 trial, ziltivekimab, a fully human monoclonal antibody targeting the interleukin-6 ligand, significantly reduced biomarkers of inflammation compared with placebo in patients at high atherosclerotic risk. Here, we report the efficacy and safety of ziltivekimab in Japanese patients.
Methods: RESCUE-2 was a randomized, double-blind, 12-week, phase 2 trial. Participants aged ≥20 years with stage 3-5 non-dialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) ≥2 mg/L were randomized to receive placebo (n = 13) or subcutaneous ziltivekimab 15 mg (n = 11) or 30 mg (n = 12) at Weeks 0, 4, and 8. The primary endpoint was percentage change in hsCRP levels from baseline to end of treatment (EOT; mean of Week 10 and Week 12 values).
Results: At EOT, median hsCRP levels were reduced by 96.2 % in the 15 mg group (p < 0.0001 versus placebo), by 93.4 % in the 30 mg group (p = 0.002 versus placebo), and by 27.0 % in the placebo group. Serum amyloid A and fibrinogen levels were also reduced significantly. Ziltivekimab was well tolerated and did not affect total cholesterol to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratios. There was a small, but statistically significant increase in triglyceride levels with ziltivekimab 15 mg and 30 mg compared with placebo.
Conclusions: The efficacy and safety results support the development of ziltivekimab for secondary prevention and the treatment of patients at high atherosclerotic risk.
Clinicaltrials: gov identifier, NCT04626505.
Keywords: Atherosclerosis; Cardiovascular; Chronic kidney disease; Interleukin-6; Systemic inflammation.
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