CHD8 encodes chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 8 and its mutation is a highly penetrant risk factor for autism spectrum disorder (ASD). CHD8 serves as a key transcriptional regulator on the basis of its chromatin-remodeling activity and thereby controls the proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells. However, the function of CHD8 in postmitotic neurons and the adult brain has remained unclear. Here we show that Chd8 homozygous deletion in mouse postmitotic neurons results in downregulation of the expression of neuronal genes as well as alters the expression of activity-dependent genes induced by KCl-mediated neuronal depolarization. Furthermore, homozygous ablation of CHD8 in adult mice was associated with attenuation of activity-dependent transcriptional responses in the hippocampus to kainic acid-induced seizures. Our findings implicate CHD8 in transcriptional regulation in postmitotic neurons and the adult brain, and they suggest that disruption of this function might contribute to ASD pathogenesis associated with CHD8 haploinsufficiency.
© 2023. The Author(s).