Gender differences in burden of care and coping strategies among caregivers of schizophrenia patients

Ind Psychiatry J. 2023 Jan-Jun;32(1):78-85. doi: 10.4103/ipj.ipj_44_22. Epub 2022 Sep 14.


Background: Caregivers of patients with schizophrenia have a considerable burden of care and develop different coping strategies to deal with the caregiving burden.

Aim: The aim of this article is to assess gender differences in the burden of care and coping strategies used among caregivers of clinically stable patients with schizophrenia.

Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 57 caregivers (33 males and 24 females) of the patients with schizophrenia attending a psychiatric outpatient setting were included by purposive sampling. The caregivers were assessed with the Burden Assessment Schedule 20 items (BAS-20) and Brief Approach/Avoidance Coping Questionnaire (BACQ) to assess the burden of care and coping strategies, respectively.

Results: Average BAS-20 score was comparable between the male and female caregivers. If the patient was a spouse, the male caregivers had a significantly higher burden of the marital relationship than the female caregivers. On the BACQ, the socio-emotional approach subscale was significantly higher in female caregivers. The avoidance-oriented coping score and socio-emotional avoidance subscale were significantly higher in male caregivers. A significant positive correlation was found between BAS-20 score and avoidance-oriented coping scores in all caregivers except the females where a significant negative correlation was found between BAS score and socio-emotional avoidance type of coping.

Conclusion: There are no gender differences in the burden of care in caregivers of clinically stable patients with schizophrenia except the male caregivers have a higher burden in the domain of marital relationship. The socio-emotional approach type of coping is higher in females while the socio-emotional avoidance type of coping is lower in male caregivers.

Keywords: Burden; India; caregiving; coping; gender; schizophrenia.