The present paper provides the first integrative assessment of the capacity of naringin and its metabolite, naringenin, to induce hormetic dose responses within a broad range of experimental biomedical models. The findings indicate that these agents commonly induced protective effects that are typically mediated via hormetic mechanisms leading to biphasic dose-response relationships. The maximum protective effects are generally modest, 30-60 % greater than control group values. The range of experimental findings with these agents has been reported for models with various neurodegenerative diseases, nucleus pulpous cells (NPCs) located within intravertebral discs, several types of stem cells (i.e., bone marrow, amniotic fluid, periodontal, endothelial) as well as cardiac cells. These agents also were effective within preconditioning protocols protecting against environmental toxins such as ultraviolet radiation (UV), cadmium, and paraquat. The mechanism(s) by which the hormetic responses mediates these biphasic dose responses is complex but commonly involves the activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2), an increasingly recognized regulator of cellular resistance to oxidants. Nrf2 appears to play a role in controlling the basal and induced expression of an array of antioxidant response element-dependent genes to regulate oxidant exposure's physiological and pathophysiological outcomes. Hence its importance in the assessment of toxicologic and adaptive potential is likely to be significant.
Keywords: Biphasic dose response; Hormesis; Inflammation; Naringenin; Naringin; Neurodegenerative diseases; Nrf2.
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