Warty dyskeratoma: The relationship between its dermoscopic and histopathological findings

Clin Case Rep. 2023 Jun 8;11(6):e7495. doi: 10.1002/ccr3.7495. eCollection 2023 Jun.


Key clinical message: On dermoscopy, the central area was greenish-yellow with a coarse cobblestone-like structureless material-filled pattern, along with a bull's-horn-like tip and white globules. The marginal area was skin-colored with a dark red background and a dome-shaped pattern. A collarette with white ring and radial streaks, and whitish globules was noted.

Abstract: In recent years, the dermoscopic findings of Warty dyskeratoma have only been reported in a few cases. A 71-year-old man presented with a brownish papular lesion, with a central umbilical fossa, posterior to the right auricle. Histopathologically, a keratocystic tumor with a dome-like morphology and an epidermal invagination in its limbic part was noted. The central part surrounding the fissure was filled with horn-like cells with cornification tendency. Corps ronds were mostly distributed in the stratum corneum and granulosa, and grains were observed in the stratum corneum as acantholytic cells within the epidermal voids (lacunae). On dermoscopy, the central area was greenish-yellow with a coarse cobblestone-like structureless material-filled pattern, along with a bull's-horn-like tip and white globules. The marginal area was skin-colored with a dark red background and a dome-shaped pattern. A collarette with white ring and radial streaks, and whitish globules was noted. No prominent vascular pattern was observed.

Keywords: acantholytic dyskeratosis; dermatopathology; dermoscopy; follicular dyskeratosis; warty dyskeratoma.

Publication types

  • Case Reports