Structure of cellulose in birch phloem fibres in tension wood: an X-ray nanodiffraction study

Plant Methods. 2023 Jun 17;19(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s13007-023-01036-8.


Background: To gain a better understanding of bark layer structure and function, especially of the phloem fibres and their contribution to the posture control of trees, it is important to map the structural properties of these cells. The role of bark can also be linked to the reaction wood formation and properties which are essential when it comes to studying the questions related to tree growth. To offer new insights into the role of bark in the postural control of trees, we studied the micro- and nanoscale structures of the phloem and its nearest layers. This study is the first time, in which phloem fibres in trees have been extensively examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). We determined the orientation of cellulose microfibrils in phloem fibres of Silver birch saplings by using scanning synchrotron nanodiffraction. The samples consisted of phloem fibres extracted from tension, opposite and normal wood (TW, OW, NW).

Results: Using scanning XRD, we were able to obtain new information about the mean microfibril angle (MFA) in cellulose microfibrils in phloem fibres connected to reaction wood. A slight but consistent difference was detected in the average MFA values of phloem fibres between the TW and OW sides of the stem. Using scanning XRD, different contrast agents (intensity of the main cellulose reflection or calcium oxalate reflection, mean MFA value) were used to produce 2D images with 200 nm spatial resolution.

Conclusions: Based on our results, the tension wood formation in the stem might be related to the structure and properties of phloem fibres. Thus, our results suggest that the nanostructure of phloem fibres is involved in the postural control of trees containing tension and opposite wood.

Keywords: Cellulose microfibril; MFA; Nanodiffraction; Phloem fibre; Scanning X-ray diffraction; Tension wood.