Background: Adolescents with developmental disabilities and their caregivers often seek menstrual management. Caregivers frequently serve as medical decision-makers, and little is known about caregiver goals for menstrual management and satisfaction over time.
Objective: Assess caregiver reasons for initiating menstrual management in adolescents with disabilities and satisfaction over 12 months.
Methods: Prospective cohort study of caregivers of adolescents with developmental disabilities seeking menstrual management at a pediatric and adolescent gynecology clinic. Data derive from caregiver surveys and adolescents' electronic medical records.
Results: Ninety-two caregiver-adolescent pairs enrolled. The mean age of adolescents was 14.4 (±2.6). The most common method started was levonorgestrel intrauterine device (LNG-IUD; 52, 56.5%), followed by oral norethindrone acetate (21, 22.8%). Caregivers cited hygiene concerns (84.8%), behavioral problems (52.2%), and heavy/excessive bleeding (48.9%) as reasons for initiating menstrual suppression. Caregivers who identified hygiene or heavy/excessive bleeding as the most important reason for management were more likely to select LNG-IUD (p = 0.009). Caregivers who cited behavioral/mood or seizure concerns as the most important reason were more likely to choose other methods (p < 0.05). At 12 months, caregiver satisfaction with all methods was high (66.2-86.9 on a 100-point scale). For every additional day of bleeding, satisfaction decreased by 3.7 points (95% CI: 2.3-5.0).
Conclusions: Caregiver satisfaction with all methods is high; however, it negatively correlates with days of bleeding. Caregiver reasons for menstrual suppression influence the method chosen. Management may reflect both patient and caregiver priorities; research is needed to better understand shared decision-making models that promote reproductive autonomy in adolescents with a developmental disability.
Keywords: Adolescent; Caregiver; Developmental disabilities; Intrauterine device; Menstrual suppression.
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