Role of synthetic coordination chemistry in pharmaceutical science is expeditiously increased due to its sundry relevances in this field. The present review endows the synthesized macrocyclic complexes of transition metal ions containing isatin and its derivatives as ligand precursors, their characterization and their copious pharmaceutical applications. Isatin (1H-Indole-2,3-dione) is a protean compound (presence of lactam and keto moiety permits to change its molecular framework) that can be obtained from marine animals, plants, and is also found in mammalian tissues and in human fluids as a metabolite of amino acids. It can be used for the synthesis of miscellaneous organic and inorganic complexes and for designing of drugs since it has remarkable utility in pharmaceutical industry due to its wide range of biological and pharmacological activities, for instance anti-microbial, anti-HIV, anti-tubercular, anti-cancer, anti-viral, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic, analgesic activity, anti-Parkinson's disease, anti-convulsant etc. This review provides extensive information about the latest methods for the synthesis of isatin or its substituted derivatives based macrocyclic complexes of transition metals and their plentiful applications in medicinal chemistry.
Keywords: Antibacterial studies; Antimicrobial activity; Isatin; Macrocyclic complexes.
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