This study was aimed to determine the effects of the pandemic on life. This is a qualitative descriptive study and data were collected through semi-structured interviews (n = 200). The data were obtained by retrospectively examining the interviews made by the students between January and May 2021. The researchers prepared 'Participant Information Form' and 'Semi-Structured Interview Form', which were utilised as data collection tools during the interviews. The qualitative data acquired from the semi-structured interview using descriptive analysis. In the interviews, nursing students are in the role of interviewers. Participants were determined from among the relatives of the students. The research was structured and reported in accordance with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research Checklist. The data acquired regarding the effects of the pandemic on life were conceptualised under three themes (nine sub-themes): the meaning of the pandemic(1), the effects of the pandemic on life(2), and coping with the pandemic(3). The study revealed that the pandemic included individual meanings at levels of emotions (fear, hopelessness, loneliness, despair, and uncertainty) and cognition - behaviour (danger, attention-caution, restriction and awareness).Pandemic resulted in changes in the life routines of the participants, changes in mental and social spheres, and various effects as the effect of the disease such as pain.Spiritual approaches (prayer and positive thinking), as well as social support and healthy lifestyle habits, were the methods used to cope with the pandemic. It is recommended that psychiatric nurses plan and implement individual/social interventions based on a psychosocial approach in order to cope with the short and long-term effects of the pandemic.
Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12144-023-04522-3.
Keywords: COVID-19; Life Effects; Nursing; Pandemic; Qualitative study.
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