Specularly-Reflected Wave Guidance of Terahertz Plasmonic Metamaterial Based on the Metal-Wire-Woven Hole Arrays: Functional Design and Application of Transmission Spectral Dips

Materials (Basel). 2023 Jun 19;16(12):4463. doi: 10.3390/ma16124463.


Terahertz (THz) plasmonic metamaterial, based on a metal-wire-woven hole array (MWW-HA), is investigated for the distinct power depletion in the transmittance spectrum of 0.1-2 THz, including the reflected waves from metal holes and woven metal wires. Woven metal wires have four orders of power depletion, which perform sharp dips in a transmittance spectrum. However, only the first-order dip at the metal-hole-reflection band dominates specular reflection with a phase retardation of approximately π. The optical path length and metal surface conductivity are modified to study MWW-HA specular reflection. This experimental modification shows that the first order of MWW-HA power depletion is sustainable and sensitively correlated with a bending angle of the woven metal wire. Specularly reflected THz waves are successfully presented in hollow-core pipe wave guidance specified from MWW-HA pipe wall reflectivity.

Keywords: aperture antennas; artificial material; electromagnetic scattering by periodic structures; frequency domain analysis; high-pass filters; spectroscopy; submillimeter wave waveguides; terahertz radiation; time domain measurements.