The restorative treatment of dental hard tissue loss, e.g., due to erosion, and the rehabilitation of the original vertical bite dimension confronts the dentist with problems when implementing the therapy. Traditionally, this therapy is conducted with laboratory-fabricated workpieces made of ceramics which usually require a preparation of the remaining tooth substance and also causes high costs for the patient. Therefore, alternative methods should be considered. This article presents the use of direct adhesive composite restorations as a way of reconstructing a dentition severely altered by erosion. To reconstruct the occlusal surfaces, transfer splints are used that are made on the basis of individual wax-up models. The procedure described is a well-researched and proven method for restoring teeth with erosion-related loss of hard tooth substance. As with all new procedures, there will be a certain learning curve for the practical dentist after which high-quality restorations can be implemented with this technique.
Keywords: Komposit; Adhäsivtechnik; Erosion; Zahnhartsubstanzverlust; Okklusale vertikale Dimension.