Objective: The aim of this study was to systematically review and synthesize the literature on patients' perceptions of hope in palliative care.
Methods: PubMed, Scopus, SocINDEX, Cochrane, and Web of Science were screened against the eligibility criteria. After familiarization with the data and conduction of the coding process, studies were thematically analyzed using Braun and Clarke's methodology. The research question guiding our analysis was: what is said about hope from patients in PC?
Results: The database searches yielded 24 eligible studies. Three main themes emerged from the studies: Hope beliefs (encompassing patients' understanding of hope and characteristics assigned to it), Hope functions (including the role that hope plays for patients) and Hope work (highlighting aspects that in patients' perspective cultivate hope).
Conclusion: This review emphasizes the importance of acknowledging patients' understanding of hope, its role, and the efforts required to sustain it. In particular, it suggests that hope serves as a valuable strategy, fostering meaningful personal relationships towards end of life.
Practice implications: In order to address communication challenges in clinical practice, a potential fruitful strategy for nurturing hope could involve engaging family and friends in hope interventions facilitated by healthcare professionals.
Keywords: Hope; Hope-targeted communication; Palliative care; Patient perceptions; Patient-provider communication; Person-centered care.
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