Healthcare data held by state-run organisations is a valuable intangible asset for society. Its use should be a priority for its administrators and the state. A completely paternalistic approach by administrators and the state is undesirable, however much it aims to protect the privacy rights of persons registered in databases. In line with European policies and the global trend, these measures should not outweigh the social benefit that arises from the analysis of these data if the technical possibilities exist to sufficiently protect the privacy rights of individuals. Czech society is having an intense discussion on the topic, but according to the authors, it is insufficiently based on facts and lacks clearly articulated opinions of the expert public. The aim of this article is to fill these gaps. Data anonymization techniques provide a solution to protect individuals' privacy rights while preserving the scientific value of the data. The risk of identifying individuals in anonymised data sets is scalable and can be minimised depending on the type and content of the data and its use by the specific applicant. Finding the optimal form and scope of deidentified data requires competence and knowledge on the part of both the applicant and the administrator. It is in the interest of the applicant, the administrator, as well as the protected persons in the databases that both parties show willingness and have the ability and expertise to communicate during the application and its processing.
Keywords: EHDS; GDPR; anonymization; de-identification; health data.