The protection of a person facing difficulties with legal decision-making can be challenging; however, estate planning documents (EPDs) can offer safeguards. Little is known about the community awareness of EPDs and their perceived importance, including for people with dementia. Two-hundred and thirty adults read a mild dementia vignette, proposed a diagnosis for the vignette character (VC), and rated the VC's legal decision-making capacity (DMC). The effect on ratings about DMC under different conditions was explored (e.g., variation of VC characteristics and the decision). Awareness, and the personal importance, of EPDs were assessed. DMC was affected by the variations in the VC's age, diagnosis, and the decision, as high- or low-stakes, but not VC sex. Awareness of EPDs was low; however, planning importance was increased for dementia. Although the public understand that dementia affects DMC, they require further information about EPDs to validly enact them, thereby reducing potential vulnerability.
Keywords: advance health directive; decision-making capacity; dementia; depression; enduring power of attorney; testamentary capacity; wills.
© 2022 The Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law.