Objective: To understand what support adolescents and young adults need to access abortion amidst the changing legal landscape.
Study design: A diverse nationwide sample (N = 638, response rate 78%) of individuals aged 14-24 responded to a text message survey in July 2022 about the social and logistical support they would need for safe abortion access. Responses were coded and analyzed thematically.
Results: Respondents described parents and friends as primary sources of social support for potential abortion decisions. They frequently cited money and transportation as logistical support needs for out-of-state abortion care.
Conclusions: Adolescents and young adults report needing social support and specific resources to ensure access to abortion.
Implications: This study highlights the perspectives and experiences of a diverse, nationwide sample of adolescents and young adults on their perceived abortion-related social and logistical support needs. These findings can support centering adolescents and young adults in practice and policy change to minimize barriers, improve social support, tailor resources and information about abortion, and streamline access to essential reproductive health services in a post-Dobbs landscape.
Keywords: Abortion; Adolescent; Induced; Qualitative research; Reproductive health services.
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