Dectin-1A is a C-type lectin innate immunoreceptor that recognizes β-(1,3;1,6)-glucan, a structural component of Candida species cell walls. β-Glucans can adopt solution structures ranging from random coil to insoluble fiber due to tertiary (helical) and quaternary structure. Fungal β-glucans of medium and high molecular weight are highly structured, but low molecular weight glucan is much less structured. Despite similar affinity for Dectin-1, the ability of glucans to induce Dectin-1A-mediated signaling correlates with degree of structure. Glucan denaturation experiments showed that glucan structure determines agonistic potential, but not receptor binding affinity. We explored the impact of glucan structure on molecular aggregation of Dectin-1A. Stimulation with glucan signaling decreased Dectin-1A diffusion coefficient. Fluorescence measurements provided direct evidence of ligation-induced Dectin-1A aggregation, which positively correlated with increasing glucan structure content. In contrast, Dectin-1A is predominantly in a low aggregation state in resting cells. Molecular aggregates formed during interaction with highly structured, agonistic glucans did not exceed relatively small (<15 nm) clusters of a few engaged receptors. Finally, we observed increased molecular aggregation of Dectin-1A at fungal particle contact sites in a manner that positively correlated with the degree of exposed glucan on the particle surface. These results indicate that Dectin-1A senses the solution conformation of β-glucans through their varying ability to drive receptor dimer/oligomer formation and activation of membrane proximal signaling events.
Copyright © 2023 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.