Activation of Autoreactive Lymphocytes in the Lung by STING Gain-of-function Mutation Radioresistant Cells

bioRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 Jul 28:2023.07.28.551002. doi: 10.1101/2023.07.28.551002.


Gain-of-function mutations in the dsDNA sensing adaptor STING lead to a severe autoinflammatory syndrome known as STING-associated vasculopathy with onset in Infancy (SAVI). SAVI patients develop interstitial lung disease (ILD) and commonly produce anti-nuclear antibodies (ANAs), indicative of concomitant autoimmunity. Mice heterozygous for the most common SAVI mutation, V154M (VM), also develop ILD, triggered by nonhematopoietic VM cells, but exhibit severe peripheral lymphopenia, low serum Ig titers and fail to produce autoantibodies. In contrast, we now show that lethally irradiated VM mice reconstituted with WT stem cells (WT→VM chimeras) develop ANAs and lung-reactive autoantibodies associated with accumulation of activated lymphocytes and formation of germinal centers in lung tissues. Moreover, when splenocytes from WT→VM chimeras were adoptively transferred into unmanipulated Rag1 -/- mice, donor T cells accumulated in the lung. Overall, these findings demonstrate that expression of the VM mutation in non-hematopoietic cells can promote the activation of immunocompetent autoreactive lymphocytes.

Summary: Chimeric mice expressing STING only in non-hematopoietic cells develop systemic and lung directed autoimmunity which recapitulates what is seen in pediatric patients with SAVI disease.

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