The Response of Susceptible and Pyrethroid-Resistant Blattella germanica (Dyctioptera: Blattellidae) to Shelter-Associated Cues

Neotrop Entomol. 2023 Oct;52(5):848-859. doi: 10.1007/s13744-023-01071-z. Epub 2023 Aug 8.


In this work, it was studied the role of faeces in the location and permanence in a shelter in susceptible and pyrethroid-resistant individuals of Blattella germanica (Linnaeus 1767). Additionally, the effect of different concentrations of palmitic acid on the modulation of these behaviours was tested. A shelter constituted by a square cardboard structure was offered to susceptible as well as to resistant specimens. The shelter bases were treated with faecal extracts obtained from susceptible or resistant cockroaches, or with solutions of palmitic acid. The behaviour of susceptible as well as resistant specimens was analysed using infrared videography software. Susceptible's faecal extract attracted both specimens since the time spent by cockroaches to locate the treated shelters was lower, whereas the faecal extract from resistant insects did not elicit any effect on both strains. Faecal extracts showed an arrestant effect on both strains, suggested by the time spent inside the shelter that was significantly higher in their presence. On the other hand, treatment with palmitic acid produced an attractant or a repellent effect depending on the concentration and strain. The tested lower concentration was attractant to susceptible insects, but did not produce any effect on resistant ones. In addition, the higher concentrations did not produce any effect on susceptible individuals, but resulted repellent for resistant ones. Palmitic acid did not produce an arrestant effect on the strains as there was not an increase in time spent inside the shelter in the presence of this substance. An increase in the number of visits to the shelter and to the periphery was also observed in shelters treated with the faecal extract and with the lower concentration of palmitic acid. These results show that compounds of the susceptible faeces were attractant to cockroaches of both strains, while faecal extracts from resistant insects were not. Moreover, a dual effect of palmitic acid was observed, being attractant at low concentrations and repellent as concentration increased. Additionally, a difference in the concentration threshold at which the effect of this substance changes was observed between strains.

Keywords: Attractant; Faeces; German cockroach; Repellent; Resistant strains; Shelter.