Background: The clinical effectiveness and efficiency of a steerable sheath for radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) in Chinese patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) needs to be compared with a fixed curve sheath to optimize RFCA procedure.
Methods: This retrospective study included adult AF patients with their first RFCA that was conducted by the same electrophysiologist using a steerable sheath (VIZIGO, Biosense Webster, Inc.) or a fixed curve sheath (NaviEase, Synaptic Medical) in a Chinese tertiary care hospital from January to November 2021. The medical records kept at the hospital were the source of study data that included patient baseline characteristics and outcome measures for the clinical effectiveness and efficiency of RFCA procedure. Multivariate generalized linear regression analyses were performed to explore the impact of sheath type on clinical effectiveness and efficiency after adjustment.
Results: Fourteen patients using steerable sheath and 34 patients using fixed curve sheath for RFCA were included in the data analysis. Most of patient baseline characteristics associated with the two study groups were comparable except that the steerable sheath group had significantly higher left atrium diameter (41.9±6.5 vs. 38.1±3.9 mm, P=0.017) and larger left atrium volume (150.4±29.5 vs. 126.8±27.5 mL, P=0.017) than the fixed curve sheath group. Using steerable sheath was associated with significantly shorter total pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) fluoroscopy time and post-surgery hospital length of stay (LOS) than using fixed curve sheath in both unadjusted comparisons (PVI fluoroscopy time: 1.3±1.5 vs. 4.0±3.9 min, P=0.004; post-surgery LOS: 2.1±0.7 vs. 2.9±1.5 days, P=0.034) and multivariate generalized regression analyses (PVI fluoroscopy time: coefficient =-0.859, P=0.014; post-surgery LOS: coefficient =-0.303, P=0.018).
Conclusions: Compared to fixed curve sheath, steerable sheath used for RFAC could have the potential to shorten the PVI fluoroscopy time and reduce post-surgery LOS in a Chinese real-world hospital setting. Future real-world studies with large sample size are needed to confirm our study findings.
Keywords: Atrial fibrillation; fixed curve sheath; fluoroscopy time; length of stay (LOS); steerable sheath.
2023 Journal of Thoracic Disease. All rights reserved.