Chondromas are benign tumors composed of mature hyaline cartilage tissue with well-defined boundaries that are commonly localised in the extremities with very few cases described in the head and neck region. We present a case of 57-year-old patient who consulted a specialist for an examination due to a change in the tip of the nose that persisted for the past 2 years. The clinical exam revealed a firm, tumor-altered tip of the nasal pyramid, with hyperemia of the skin above the mass. Biopsy was taken under local anesthesia; the histopathology analysis indicated a mesenchymal tumor producing the chondroid matrix suggestive of nasal type chondroma. Computerized tomography showed an ovoid, moderately inhomogeneous, sharply limited formation measuring 21 × 18 × 24 mm present mediosagitally at the top of the nasal pyramid. After preoperative preparation, the surgery was performed by open rhinoplasty approach. Tumor was completely excised with reconstruction of nasal septum and alar cartilage.
Supplementary information: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12070-023-03661-0.
Keywords: alar cartilage; mesenchimal tumors; nasal chondroma; open rhinoplasty.
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