We review some of the most frequent ethical issues encountered in stroke care. Priorities in stroke care should be based on the principles of the Swedish prioritization platform: human dignity, needs/solidarity, and cost-effectiveness. The prognosis is often uncertain very early after stroke. We therefore advocate time for careful assessment before taking decisions on treatment restrictions such as do-not-resuscitate orders. Swedish law permits acute treatment for patients unable to consent because of severe stroke. For selected patients already living in home-based medical care or institutional care when afflicted by stroke, it may be appropriate not to transfer them to an acute care hospital, provided that sufficient skills in acute evaluation and stroke care are available. Likewise, if a stroke patient is discharged from hospital with a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy, adequate competence is needed in home-based or institutional care. It is not ethically appropriate to continue advanced medical treatment that is without benefit for the patient during the last days of life.