Background and purpose: Perihematomal edema (PHE) represents the secondary brain injury after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). However, neurobiological characteristics of post-ICH parenchymal injury other than PHE volume have not been fully characterized. Using intravoxel incoherent motion imaging (IVIM), we explored the clinical correlates of PHE diffusion and (micro)perfusion metrics in subacute ICH.
Materials and methods: In 41 consecutive patients scanned 1-to-7 days after supratentorial ICH, we determined the mean diffusion (D), pseudo-diffusion (D*), and perfusion fraction (F) within manually segmented PHE. Using univariable and multivariable statistics, we evaluated the relationship of these IVIM metrics with 3-month outcome based on the modified Rankin Scale (mRS).
Results: In our cohort, the average (± standard deviation) age of patients was 68.6±15.6 years, median (interquartile) baseline National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) was 7 (3-13), 11 (27 %) patients had poor outcomes (mRS>3), and 4 (10 %) deceased during the follow-up period. In univariable analyses, admission NIHSS (p < 0.001), ICH volume (p = 0.019), ICH+PHE volume (p = 0.016), and average F of the PHE (p = 0.005) had significant correlation with 3-month mRS. In multivariable model, the admission NIHSS (p = 0.006) and average F perfusion fraction of the PHE (p = 0.003) were predictors of 3-month mRS.
Conclusion: The IVIM perfusion fraction (F) maps represent the blood flow within microvasculature. Our pilot study shows that higher PHE microperfusion in subacute ICH is associated with worse outcomes. Once validated in larger cohorts, IVIM metrics may provide insight into neurobiology of post-ICH secondary brain injury and identify at-risk patients who may benefit from neuroprotective therapy.
Keywords: Hemorrhagic stroke; Intravoxel incoherent motion imaging; Perfusion fraction; Peri-hematoma edema.
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