National estimates suggest that COVID-19 vaccination coverage among pregnant persons is lower among those identifying as Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) and non-Hispanic Black or African American. When examining COVID-19 vaccination coverage during pregnancy by race and ethnicity, however, data are typically limited to large, aggregate categories that might obscure within-group inequities. To address this, Massachusetts examined COVID-19 vaccination coverage among pregnant persons by combinations of 12 racial and 34 ethnic groupings. Among 102,275 persons with a live birth in Massachusetts during May 1, 2021-October 31, 2022, receipt of ≥1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine before or during pregnancy was 41.6% overall and was highest among persons who identified as Asian (55.0%) and lowest among those who identified as Hispanic (26.7%). However, within all broad racial and ethnic groupings, disparities in COVID-19 vaccination coverage were identified when the data were disaggregated into more granular categories; for example, COVID-19 vaccination coverage ranged from 10.8%-61.1% among pregnant persons who identified as Hispanic. Disaggregated analyses reveal diverse experiences within broad racial and ethnic groupings. This information can be used to guide outreach to pregnant persons in communities with lower rates of COVID-19 vaccination coverage during pregnancy.