Risk of Acute Kidney Injury Following IV Iodinated Contrast Media Exposure: 2023 Update, From the AJR Special Series on Contrast Media

AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2024 Jul;223(1):e2330037. doi: 10.2214/AJR.23.30037. Epub 2024 Oct 4.


Iodinated contrast material (ICM) has revolutionized the field of diagnostic radiology through improvements in diagnostic performance and the expansion of clinical indications for radiographic and CT examinations. Historically, nephrotoxicity was a feared complication of ICM use, thought to be associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Such fears often precluded the use of ICM in imaging evaluations, commonly at the expense of diagnostic performance and timely diagnosis. Over the past 20 years, the nephrotoxic risk of ICM has become a topic of debate, as more recent evidence from higher-quality studies now suggests that many cases of what was considered contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) likely were cases of mistaken causal attribution; most of these cases represented either acute kidney injury (AKI) caused by any of myriad other known factors that can adversely affect renal function and were coincidentally present at the time of contrast media exposure (termed "contrast-associated AKI" [CA-AKI]) or a manifestation of the normal variation in renal function that increases with worsening renal function. This Special Series Review discusses the current state of knowledge regarding CI-AKI and CA-AKI, including the incidence, risk factors, outcomes, and prophylactic strategies in the identification and management of these clinical conditions.

Keywords: contrast neuropathy; contrast-associated acute kidney injury; contrast-induced acute kidney injury; iodinated contrast material.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Acute Kidney Injury* / chemically induced
  • Acute Kidney Injury* / diagnostic imaging
  • Contrast Media* / adverse effects
  • Humans
  • Iodine Compounds / adverse effects
  • Risk Factors


  • Contrast Media
  • Iodine Compounds