Hyperhydration of Cancers: A Characteristic Biophysical Trait Strongly Increasing O2, CO2, Glucose and Lactate Diffusivities, and Improving Thermophysical Properties of Solid Malignancies

Adv Exp Med Biol. 2023:1438:135-145. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-42003-0_22.


Cancers are complex, heterogeneous, dynamic and aggressive diseases exhibiting a series of characteristic biophysical traits which complement the original biological hallmarks of cancers favouring progressive growth, metastasis, and contributing to immune evasion and treatment resistance. One of the prevalent differences between most solid tumors and their corresponding, healthy tissues is a significantly higher water content (hyperhydration) in cancers. As a consequence, cancers have distinctly higher (Fick's) diffusion coefficients D [cm2 s-1] for the respiratory gases O2 and CO2, the key substrate glucose, and for the oncometabolite lactate. In addition, cancers have (a) clearly increased specific heat capacities cp [J g-1 K-1], thus representing high-capacity-tissues upon therapeutic heating induced by electromagnetic irradiation, and (b) higher thermal conductivities k [W m-1 K-1], i.e., increased abilities to conduct heat. Therefore, in diffusion analyses (e.g., when describing critical O2 and glucose supplies or CO2 removal, and the development of hypoxic subvolumes) and for modeling temperature distributions in hyperthermia treatment planning, these specific cancer-related data must be considered in order to reliably reflect oncologic thermo-radiotherapy settings.

Keywords: Cancer; Carbon dioxide diffusion coefficient; tumor; Glucose diffusion coefficient; tumor; Hyperhydration; Hyperhydration; tumor; Lactate diffusion coefficient; cancers; Ncologic thermo-radiotherapy; Oxygen diffusion coefficient; tumor; Oxygen solubility; tumor; Specific heat capacity; tumor; Thermal conductivity; Thermophysical properties; tumor; Tumor.

MeSH terms

  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Humans
  • Lactic Acid
  • Neoplasms* / therapy
  • Temperature
  • Water Intoxication*


  • Carbon Dioxide
  • Lactic Acid