The Hypoglycemic Fear Syndrome: Understanding and Addressing This Common Clinical Problem in Adults With Diabetes

Clin Diabetes. 2023 Fall;41(4):502-509. doi: 10.2337/cd22-0131. Epub 2023 May 25.


Although a broad literature on fear of hypoglycemia and its impact on people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes has accumulated over the past three decades, there has been surprisingly little guidance concerning how best to tackle this problem in clinical care. The aim of this article is to begin filling this gap by describing the "hypoglycemic fear syndrome," which we define as hypoglycemic fear that has become so overwhelming that it leads to avoidance behaviors and chronically elevated glucose levels. We begin by presenting several illustrative cases, describing the syndrome and how it is most commonly presented in clinical care, and detailing its most common precipitants. We then offer practical, evidence-based strategies for clinical intervention, based on the literature and our clinical experience.