Pregnancy is one of the most important and difficult moments that a woman goes through throughout her life. It is a period of great need for macro and micronutrients to meet the demands of the developing fetus and avoid deficiencies, in order to obtain the best possible result. Nowadays, most women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant know the importance of getting the required amount of certain types of nutrients (proteins, fats, folate, etc.), as well as avoiding certain compounds (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.) to avoid possible complications during pregnancy. In recent years, with the greatest scientific evidence available, it has been shown how some of these nutrients could have a more relevant role than previously believed in the optimal outcome of pregnancy. One of these nutrients being choline. Choline supplementation during pregnancy has been shown to be a non-pharmacological treatment capable of improving both physical (growth) and mental (memory) qualities of the new individual. Choline has been known as an essential nutrient since 1998 and several studies have shown its effectiveness in rodent models. The existence of recent publications that deal with its application in humans makes it necessary to carry out a systematic review. In this systematic review of the scientific evidence available from 2012 to the present that deals with the application of a higher intake of choline through supplementation as a treatment to improve pregnancy outcomes, its main objetive is to determine the effects that a nutritional intervention through choline supplementation in pregnant mothers can have on children's cognition. For this, 9studies have been analyzed where the treatment given to pregnant women is revealed, this being choline supplementation in different modalities (choline chloride, choline bitartrate, and phosphatidylcholine) and the different effects produced in the children of these mothers who have resulted from these treatment modalities. We conclude by stating that choline supplementation during pregnancy appears to be effective in improving or increasing cognition in children.
Keywords: Choline; Cognición; Cognition; Colina; Embarazo; Pregnancy; Suplementación; Supplementation.
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