The prospect of direct interaction between the brain and computers has been investigated in recent decades, revealing several potential applications. One of these is sight restoration in profoundly blind people, which is based on the ability to elicit visual perceptions while directly stimulating the occipital cortex. Technological innovation has led to the development of microelectrodes implantable on the brain surface. The feasibility of implanting a microelectrode on the visual cortex has already been shown in animals, with promising results. Current research has focused on the implantation of microelectrodes into the occipital brain of blind volunteers. The technique raises several technical challenges. In this technical note, the authors suggest a safe and effective approach for robot-assisted implantation of microelectrodes in the occipital lobe for sight restoration.
Keywords: brain-computer interface; epilepsy; microelectrode arrays; occipital implants; robotic surgery; surgical technique; visual prosthesis.