Dogs with visceral leishmaniasis play a key role in the transmission cycle of Leishmania infantum to humans in the urban environment. There is a consensus regarding the importance of developing a vaccine to control this disease. Despite many efforts to develop a protective vaccine against CVL, the ones currently available, Leish-tec® and LetiFend®, have limited effectiveness. This is due, in part, to the complexity of the immune response of the naturally infected dogs against the parasite and the complexity of the parasite transmission cycle. Thus, strategies, such as the development of a transmission-blocking vaccines (TBVs) already being applied to other vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue, would be an attractive alternative to control leishmaniasis. TBVs induce the production of antibodies in the vertebrate host, which can inhibit parasite development in the vector and/or interfere with aspects of vector biology, leading to an interruption of parasite transmission. To date, there are few TBV studies for CVL and other leishmaniasis forms. However, the few studies that exist show promising results, thus justifying the further development of this approach.
Keywords: canine visceral leishmaniasis; transmission-blocking vaccines; vaccines.