A hallmark of tightly regulated high-fidelity enzymes is that they become activated only after encountering cognate substrates, often by an induced-fit mechanism rather than conformational selection. Upon analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories, we recently discovered that the Cas9 HNH domain exists in three conformations: 1) Y836 (which is two residues away from the catalytic D839 and H840 residues) is hydrogen bonded to the D829 backbone amide, 2) Y836 is hydrogen bonded to the backbone amide of D861 (which is one residue away from the third catalytic residue N863), and 3) Y836 is not hydrogen bonded to either residue. Each of the three conformers differs from the active state of HNH. The conversion between the inactive and active states involves a local unfolding-refolding process that displaces the Cα and side chain of the catalytic N863 residue by ∼5 Å and ∼10 Å, respectively. In this study, we report the two largest principal components of coordinate variance of the HNH domain throughout molecular dynamics trajectories to establish the interconversion pathways of these conformations. We show that conformation 2 is an obligate step between conformations 1 and 3, which are not directly interconvertible without conformation 2. The loss of hydrogen bonding of the Y836 side chain in conformation 3 likely plays an essential role in activation during local unfolding-refolding of an α-helix containing the catalytic N863. Three single Lys-to-Ala mutants appear to eliminate this substrate-independent activation pathway of the wild-type HNH nuclease, thereby enhancing the fidelity of HNH cleavage.
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