Perplexing Tubo-Ovarian Abscess Presentation from an Inflammatory Process in a Patient with an Inconclusive Computed Tomography Scan

Cureus. 2023 Oct 9;15(10):e46760. doi: 10.7759/cureus.46760. eCollection 2023 Oct.


A tubo-ovarian abscess (TOA) is an infectious mass of the adnexa. This article presents a well-documented case of a 27-year-old female presenting to the emergency department with a TOA. Physical exam findings and an initial computed tomography scan (CT) with contrast revealed a right iliopsoas abscess, an inflammatory process in the right lower quadrant, later diagnosed as a TOA with the use of ultrasound (US) without a history of sexually transmitted infection (STI). The clinical decision tree utilized in this patient's case highlights the importance of keeping a TOA high on the list of differential diagnoses while investigating appendicitis and other inflammatory pathologies in the lower abdomen.

Keywords: inconclusive computed tomography; medical imaging; percutaneous drainage; sexually transmitted infection; tubo-ovarian abscess.

Publication types

  • Case Reports