Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective Effects of Hericium erinaceus

Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Nov 3;24(21):15960. doi: 10.3390/ijms242115960.


Hericium erinaceus is a valuable mushroom known for its strong bioactive properties. It shows promising potential as an excellent neuroprotective agent, capable of stimulating nerve growth factor release, regulating inflammatory processes, reducing oxidative stress, and safeguarding nerve cells from apoptosis. The active compounds in the mushroom, such as erinacines and hericenones, have been the subject of research, providing evidence of their neuroprotective effects. Further research and standardization processes for dietary supplements focused on H. erinaceus are essential to ensuring effectiveness and safety in protecting the nervous system. Advancements in isolation and characterization techniques, along with improved access to pure analytical standards, will play a critical role in achieving standardized, high-quality dietary supplements based on H. erinaceus. The aim of this study is to analyze the protective and nourishing effects of H. erinaceus on the nervous system and present the most up-to-date research findings related to this topic.

Keywords: lion’s mane mushroom; nerve system; neurotrophins; secondary metabolites.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Agaricales* / metabolism
  • Dietary Supplements
  • Hericium
  • Neurons
  • Neuroprotective Agents* / metabolism
  • Neuroprotective Agents* / pharmacology


  • Neuroprotective Agents

Supplementary concepts

  • Hericium erinaceus

Grants and funding

This study was supported by the statutory budget of the Department of Biochemistry and Medical Chemistry at Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin, Poland.