Hypnotically enhancing behavioral activation in the treatment of depression

Am J Clin Hypn. 2023 Nov 16:1-11. doi: 10.1080/00029157.2023.2270005. Online ahead of print.


Depressive disorders are common conditions associated with high personal and economic burdens. The best treatment outcomes occur in patients receiving both psychotherapy and antidepressant medications. Behavioral activation is one approach within the most widely available and studied psychotherapy frameworks (cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT) utilized for depression, and is effective in treating depression even in isolation from the rest of the CBT approach. Many hypnosis treatments for depression have been developed to incorporate various CBT techniques, including behavioral activation. However, research regarding the applications of hypnosis to facilitate behavioral activation has been slow to emerge. Addressing this relative gap in the literature may be possible through a broader review of the relevant literature. There is quality evidence speaking to the efficacy of diverse clinician-guided visualization or imagery exercises in the treatment of depression by means of behavioral activation. While not explicitly hypnosis, the similarities of these interventions to more typical hypnosis interventions are highly salient. Clinicians and researchers interested in hypnosis's applications to treating depression would benefit from adopting a more comprehensive consideration of the relevant literature.

Keywords: Behavioral activation; cognitive behavior therapy; depression; hypnosis.