Risk and Protective Factors Associated With Intimate Partner Violence with Gay Men: A Scoping Review

Trauma Violence Abuse. 2024 Jul;25(3):2264-2281. doi: 10.1177/15248380231209738. Epub 2023 Nov 23.


Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon and may involve different risk and protective factors, as well as people of different sexual orientations, including gay men. Despite scientific evidence of the high prevalence of victimization and perpetration of this phenomenon, IPV in gay men is still largely invisible. The aim of this study was to map the risk and protective factors related to IPV among gay cis men based on a literature review. The Scopus, PsycNET, Pubmed, BVS-Psi, and SciELO databases were searched to retrieve articles published between 2018 and 2022. Thematic analysis was used to map the risk and protective factors of the 29 articles that met the inclusion criteria. Among the results, most studies investigated the risk factors for victimization of IPV, despite showing the high prevalence of bidirectionality in IPV among gay men. In addition, multiple risk and protective factors (individual, relational, and socio-community) have been shown to be associated with IPV among gay men. Mapping risk and protective factors for IPV at different ecological levels makes it possible to identify a more accurate profile of gay men's vulnerabilities, in addition to enabling the construction of more systemic interventions, which are multisectoral with specific prevention strategies, for IPV among gay men.

Keywords: gays; intimate partner violence; protective factors; risk factors; scope review.

Publication types

  • Scoping Review

MeSH terms

  • Crime Victims / psychology
  • Crime Victims / statistics & numerical data
  • Homosexuality, Male* / psychology
  • Homosexuality, Male* / statistics & numerical data
  • Humans
  • Intimate Partner Violence* / psychology
  • Intimate Partner Violence* / statistics & numerical data
  • Male
  • Prevalence
  • Protective Factors*
  • Risk Factors
  • Sexual and Gender Minorities / psychology
  • Sexual and Gender Minorities / statistics & numerical data