Topical delivery systems (TDSs) enable the direct transport of analgesics into areas of localized pain and thus minimize the side effects of administration routes that rely on systemic drug distribution. For musculoskeletal pain, clinicians frequently prescribe topical products containing lidocaine or diclofenac. This study assessed whether drug delivery from a TDS into muscle tissue occurs mainly via direct diffusion or systemic transport. An investigational TDS containing 108 mg lidocaine (SP-103, 5.4% lidocaine), a commercially available TDS containing 36 mg lidocaine (ZTlido®, 1.8% lidocaine), and a topical pain relief gel (Pennsaid®, 2% diclofenac) were tested. Using open flow microperfusion (OFM), interstitial fluid from the dermis, subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), and muscle was continuously sampled to assess drug penetration in all tissue layers. Ex vivo and in vivo experiments showed a higher diffusive transport of lidocaine compared to diclofenac. The data showed a clear contribution of diffusive transport to lidocaine concentration, with SP-103 5.4% resulting in a significantly higher lidocaine concentration in muscle tissue than commercially available ZTlido® (p = 0.008). These results indicate that SP-103 5.4% is highly effective in delivering lidocaine into muscle tissue in areas of localized pain for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain disorders (e.g., lower back pain).
Keywords: analgesics; deep percutaneous penetration; diclofenac; direct diffusive transport; lidocaine patch; musculoskeletal pain; open flow microperfusion; pharmacokinetics; porcine model; topical delivery system.