Background: Nightclub/festival attendees are a population with high rates of party drug use, but research is needed to determine whether there have been shifts in unintended drug exposure in this population (e.g., via adulterants) to inform prevention and harm reduction efforts.
Methods: Adults entering nightclubs and festivals in New York City were asked about past-year drug use in 2016 through 2022, with a subset providing a hair sample for testing. We focused on the 1943 who reported ecstasy use (of which 247 had a hair sample analyzed) and compared trends in self-reported drug use, drug positivity, and adjusted prevalence (adjusting for unreported use).
Results: MDMA positivity decreased from 74.4 % to 42.3 %, and decreases occurred regarding detection of synthetic cathinones ("bath salts"; a 100.0 % decrease), MDA (a 76.9 % decrease), amphetamine (an 81.3 % decrease), methamphetamine (a 64.2 % decrease), and ketamine (a 33.4 % decrease) (ps < .05). Although prevalence of MDA and synthetic cathinone use was comparable between self-report and adjusted report in 2022, gaps in prevalence were wider in 2016 (ps < .01). Adjusted prevalence of synthetic cathinone use decreased more across time than prevalence based on self-report (a 79.4 % vs. 69.1 % decrease) and adjusted report for MDA use decreased more than prevalence based on self-report (a 50.6 % vs. 38.9 % decrease).
Conclusions: Combining self-report and toxicology tests helped us determine that decreases in drug use/exposure were steeper regarding adjusted prevalence. Underreported drug exposure-possibly due to exposure to adulterants-appears to have had less of an effect on prevalence in 2022 than it did in 2016.
Keywords: Ecstasy; Hair testing; Methamphetamine; Nightclub attendees; Synthetic cathinones.
© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.