A Case Report of Neuroendocrine Tumor in Presacral Region: How Can It Be Managed? Laparoscopy versus Laparotomy

Int J Fertil Steril. 2023 Nov 7;18(1):87-90. doi: 10.22074/ijfs.2023.1998959.1452.


Presacral or retrorectal tumors are rare, usually asymptomatic, and diagnosed accidentally during physical examination or imaging. Symptomatic tumors may present with perianal pain, bowel dysfunction, and urinary symptoms due to the mass compression or invasion of the surrounding tissues and organs. Surgical resection is the first choice for treating presacral tumors. Clinicians should choose surgical procedures based on the location and size of the tumors. We presented a 43-year-old woman who suffered from pelvic pain and primary infertility from two years ago. A large mass between the posterior vaginal wall and the rectum was found on recto-vaginal examination. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a large 120×115 mm benign multiloculated cystic mass. Eventually, the mass was removed through laparoscopic surgery. The pathology report indicated a carcinoid tumor (grade I) with no lymphovascular invasion. Thus, presacral tumors are resectable through laparoscopy with lower complications than open surgery.

Keywords: Carcinoid Tumor; Case Reports; Laparoscopy; Neuroendocrine Tumors.

Publication types

  • Case Reports