Minimal invasive transnasal endoscopic removal of intracranial foreign body after airbag deployment

Ideggyogy Sz. 2023 Nov 30;76(11-12):427-432. doi: 10.18071/isz.76.0427.


<p>Airbag induced injuries such as skull and cervical spine fractures, epidural and subdural hematomas, atlantooccipital dislocations or brainstem lacerations are already documented in published literature, however, no previous case have been published about a penetrating foreign body of the skull base following airbag deployment. Removal of an intracranial foreign body is very dangerous and difficult, or even if it possible and necessary, requires open surgery in most of the cases. In this article we present the minimal invasive, transnasal removal of a coin from the intracranial, frontobasal region using high-resolution endoscopy combined with image-guided navigation.<br>We report the case of a 59-year-old male who was brought to the emergency department after a car accident. He suffered a penetrating injury by a coin that was placed on the car&rsquo;s airbag at the moment of the accident. Upon the airbag being deployed the foreign body entered the skin through the right lower eyelid, crossing the orbital cavity, ethmoid cells, sphenoid sinus and the anterior part of the planum sphenoidale at an equal distance of 2mm from the two internal carotid arteries, extending into the intracranial space, without injuring the pituitary stalk and the chiasm. We proceeded to remove the coin endoscopically using a transnasal transseptal transsphenoidal approach under general anesthesia. The dura was closed with a multilayer skull base reconstruction technique using two layers of abdominal free fat and nasal septal mucoperiosteal flap. There were no postoperative complications, nor CSF rhinorrhea. The patient was discharged 10 days after the operation.<br>To our knowledge, this is the first publi&shy;shed case of a penetrating foreign body of the skull base, extending into the intracranial cavity following airbag deployment. In some dedicated cases, a minimal invasive endoscopic approach should be considered as an alternative to anterior craniotomy if access is possible when foreign bodies from the skull base area need to be removed. This procedure is efficient, safe and minimally invasive.&nbsp;</p>.

<p>L&eacute;gzs&aacute;k okozta koponya- &eacute;s nyakigerinc-s&eacute;&shy;r&uuml;l&eacute;sek, epiduralis &eacute;s subduralis hae&shy;ma&shy;tom&aacute;k, atlantooccipitalis ficamok vagy agy&shy;t&ouml;rzsi s&eacute;r&uuml;l&eacute;sek dokument&aacute;ltak a szak&shy;iro&shy;dalomban, azonban kinyíl&oacute; l&eacute;gzs&aacute;k ut&aacute;ni, intracranialisan penetr&aacute;l&oacute;, koponyab&aacute;zist el&shy;&eacute;rő idegentest esete eddig nem ker&uuml;lt k&ouml;zl&eacute;sre. Amennyiben sz&uuml;ks&eacute;g van r&aacute;, &eacute;s tech&shy;nikailag lehets&eacute;ges, az intracranialis ide&shy;gentest-elt&aacute;volít&aacute;s igen vesz&eacute;lyes &eacute;s k&ouml;&shy;r&uuml;lm&eacute;nyes feladat, &eacute;s az esetek nagy r&eacute;&shy;sz&eacute;&shy;ben nyílt műt&eacute;ti felt&aacute;r&aacute;st ig&eacute;nyel. Ezen esetismertet&eacute;sben egy minim&aacute;lisan invazív, transnasalis műt&eacute;ti technik&aacute;t mutatunk be, mely sor&aacute;n nagy felbont&aacute;s&uacute; seb&eacute;szeti mikroszk&oacute;pot, endoszk&oacute;pot &eacute;s neuronavig&aacute;ci&oacute;t haszn&aacute;ltunk az idegentest elt&aacute;volít&aacute;s&aacute;hoz.<br>Egy 59 &eacute;ves f&eacute;rfi ker&uuml;lt besz&aacute;llít&aacute;sra a s&uuml;r&shy;gőss&eacute;gi oszt&aacute;lyra aut&oacute;baleset ut&aacute;n. A bal&shy;eset sor&aacute;n a l&eacute;gzs&aacute;kon elhelyezett p&eacute;nz&eacute;rme oko&shy;zott intracranialisan penetr&aacute;l&oacute; s&eacute;r&uuml;l&eacute;st. A l&eacute;gzs&aacute;k kinyíl&aacute;s&aacute;t k&ouml;vetően a rajta elhelye&shy;zett p&eacute;nz&eacute;rme az als&oacute; szemh&eacute;jon, majd a szem&uuml;regen, ethmoidalis sejteken, sinus &eacute;s planum sphenoidal&eacute;n kereszt&uuml;l jutott az intracranialis t&eacute;rbe, ahol egyenlő t&aacute;vols&aacute;g&shy;ra &aacute;llt meg a k&eacute;t arteria carotis interna k&ouml;&shy;z&ouml;tt, azokt&oacute;l 2 mm-re, an&eacute;lk&uuml;l, hogy ezen &eacute;rk&eacute;pleteket, a hy&shy;pophysis nyel&eacute;t vagy a chiasma opticumot megs&eacute;rtette volna. Elt&aacute;volít&aacute;s&aacute;t &aacute;ltal&aacute;nos &eacute;rz&eacute;stelenít&eacute;sben, transnasalis transseptalis megk&ouml;zelít&eacute;s sor&aacute;n endoszk&oacute;ppal v&eacute;gezt&uuml;k. A kem&eacute;ny agyh&aacute;rty&aacute;n levő sz&ouml;vethi&aacute;nyt t&ouml;bb r&eacute;tegű z&aacute;r&aacute;si technik&aacute;val l&aacute;ttuk el, ami k&eacute;t r&eacute;teg hasi zsírsz&ouml;vetből &eacute;s orrny&aacute;lkah&aacute;rtya-lebenyből &aacute;llt. Posztoperatív rhinorrhoea, illetve egy&eacute;b sz&ouml;vődm&eacute;ny nem jelentkezett. A beteget 10 nappal a beavatkoz&aacute;s ut&aacute;n emitt&aacute;ltuk.<br>Ismereteink alapj&aacute;n ez az első intra&shy;cra&shy;nia&shy;lisan penetr&aacute;l&oacute; idegentest okozta s&eacute;r&uuml;l&eacute;s esete az irodalomban, ami l&eacute;gzs&aacute;k kinyíl&aacute;sa k&ouml;vetkezt&eacute;ben j&ouml;tt l&eacute;tre. Hasonl&oacute;, dedik&aacute;lt esetekben a koponyab&aacute;zist is &eacute;rintő idegentestek elt&aacute;volít&aacute;sa &eacute;rdek&eacute;ben minim&aacute;lisan in&shy;vazív, endoszk&oacute;pos megk&ouml;zelít&eacute;s m&eacute;rlege&shy;lendő az anterior craniotomi&aacute;s felt&aacute;r&aacute;ssal szemben.&nbsp;</p>.

Keywords: airbag induced injury; coin; endoscopic approach; intracranial foreign body; skull base reconstruction.

Publication types

  • Case Reports

MeSH terms

  • Air Bags*
  • Craniotomy
  • Endoscopy / methods
  • Foreign Bodies* / diagnostic imaging
  • Foreign Bodies* / surgery
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Middle Aged
  • Skull Base / surgery