A Marine Bacterium with Animal-Pathogen-Like Type III Secretion Elicits the Nonhost Hypersensitive Response in a Land Plant

Plant Pathol J. 2023 Dec;39(6):584-591. doi: 10.5423/PPJ.FT.09.2023.0125. Epub 2023 Dec 1.


Active plant immune response involving programmed cell death called the hypersensitive response (HR) is elicited by microbial effectors delivered through the type III secretion system (T3SS). The marine bacterium Hahella chejuensis contains two T3SSs that are similar to those of animal pathogens, but it was able to elicit HR-like cell death in the land plant Nicotiana benthamiana. The cell death was comparable with the transcriptional patterns of H. chejuensis T3SS-1 genes, was mediated by SGT1, a general regulator of plant resistance, and was suppressed by AvrPto1, a type III-secreted effector of a plant pathogen that inhibits HR. Thus, type III-secreted effectors of a marine bacterium are capable of inducing the nonhost HR in a land plant it has never encountered before. This suggests that plants may have evolved to cope with a potential threat posed by alien pathogen effectors. Our work documents an exceptional case of nonhost HR and provides an expanded perspective for studying plant nonhost resistance.

Keywords: hypersensitive reaction; nonhost resistance; nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat protein; type III secretion system.