Purpose: To summarize the evidence base on the use of topical corticosteroids for infectious keratitis.
Methods: Narrative review.
Results: Infectious keratitis is a painful condition that often results in visually significant corneal stromal scarring, even when antimicrobial therapy is successful. Corticosteroids may reduce inflammation and subsequent scar formation and while relieving the acute ocular pain associated with a corneal ulcer. However, corticosteroids also reduce the host immune response, which could hinder the ability to clear infection. The safety and effectiveness of corticosteroids depends to a large part on the efficacy of the antimicrobials being used to treat the underlying infection. Randomized trials have found that corticosteroids are safe and effective for herpetic keratitis when used with appropriate antiviral therapy, and are safe for bacterial keratitis when used with broad spectrum topical antibiotics. The effectiveness of corticosteroids for bacterial keratitis has not been shown conclusively, although more advanced bacterial corneal ulcers may do better with corticosteroids. No randomized trials have assessed the safety and effectiveness of steroids for fungal or acanthamoeba keratitis. Animal studies suggest corticosteroids may be harmful in fungal keratitis, and observational human studies have found that steroids are harmful for fungal and acanthamoeba keratitis when started prior to anti-amoebics.
Conclusions: Topical corticosteroids, when used as an adjunct to antimicrobial therapy, may be beneficial if the antimicrobial being used can effectively clear or suppress the infection, such as in bacterial and herpetic keratitis. Randomized trials would be helpful to further delineate the role of corticosteroids for infectious keratitis.
Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT04097730.
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