Introduction: Survival among people with HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis (CM) remains low, particularly among women, despite the currently optimal use of antifungal drugs. Cryptococcus dissemination into the central nervous system [brain, spinal cord, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)] elicits the local production of cytokines, chemokines, and other biomarkers. However, no consistent diagnostic or prognostic neuroimmune signature is reported to underpin the risk of death or to identify mechanisms to improve treatment and survival. We hypothesized that distinct neuroimmune signatures in the CSF would distinguish survivors from people who died on antifungal treatment and who may benefit from tailored therapy.
Methods: We considered baseline clinical features, CSF cryptococcal fungal burden, and CSF neuroimmune signatures with survival at 18 weeks among 419 consenting adults by "gender" (168 women and 251 men by biological sex defined at birth).
Results: Survival at 18 weeks was significantly lower among women than among men {47% vs. 59%, respectively; hazard ratio (HR) = 1.4 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.0 to 1.9; p = 0.023]}. Unsupervised principal component analysis (PCA) demonstrated divergent neuroimmune signatures by gender, survival, and intragender-specific survival. Overall, women had lower levels of programmed death ligand 1, Interleukin (IL) (IL-11RA/IL-1F30, and IL-15 (IL-15) than men (all p < 0.028). Female survivors compared with those who died expressed significant elevations in levels of CCL11 and CXCL10 chemokines (both p = 0.001), as well as increased T helper 1, regulatory, and T helper 17 cytokines (all p < 0.041). In contrast, male survivors expressed lower levels of IL-15 and IL-8 compared with men who died (p < 0.044).
Conclusions: Survivors of both genders demonstrated a significant increase in the levels of immune regulatory IL-10. In conclusion, the lower survival among women with CM was accompanied by distinct differential gender-specific neuroimmune signatures. These female and male intragender-specific survival-associated neuroimmune signatures provide potential targets for interventions to advance therapy to improve the low survival among people with HIV-associated CM.
Trial registration: NCT01802385.
Keywords: CCL11/Eotaxin; antifungal treatment; cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); chemokine CXCL10; cryptococcal meningitis; cytokine IL-15; gender/biological sex survival; neuroimmune responses.
Copyright © 2023 Okurut, Boulware, Okafor, Rhein, Kajumbula, Bagaya, Bwanga, Olobo, Manabe, Meya and Janoff.