ATR-FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform InfraRed) spectroscopy, combined with chemometric, represents a rapid and reliable approach to obtain information about the macromolecular composition of food and plant materials. With a single measurement, the chemical fingerprint of the analyzed sample is rapidly obtained. Hence, this technique was used for investigating 13 differently processed tea leaves (green, black and white) all grown and processed in European tea gardens, and their vacuum-dried tea brews, prepared using both hot and cold water, to observe how the components differ from tea leaf to the in-cup infusion. Spectra were collected in the 1800-600 cm-1 region and were submitted to Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The comparison of the spectral profiles of leaves and hot and cold infusions of tea from the same country, emphasizes how they differ in relation to the different spectral regions. Differences were also noted among the different countries. Furthermore, the changes observed (e.g., at ~1340 cm-1) due to catechin content, confirm the antioxidant properties of these teas. Overall, this experimental approach could be relevant for rapid analysis of various tea types and could pave the way for the industrial discrimination of teas and of their health properties without the need of time-consuming, lab chemical assays.
Keywords: ATR-FTIR; Camellia sinensis; extraction; hot and cold infusions; polyphenols; tea.